Refund Policy

In the event that there is an error in the services provided by us, we may refund the entry fee provided the reasons are genuine and proven after an investigation by Cric8live.

Please read the rules of each game or sports contest before participating.

We do not cancel registrations once entered. However, in the case of exceptional circumstances wherein the fault may lie with the payment gateway or on our side, we will cancel your participation on request and refund the entry fee to you within a reasonable amount of time.

In case we cancel your participation in any contest as a result of this, we will return your entry fee to you within a reasonable amount of time for you to redeem it by playing other contests on Cric8live.

We will try our best to create the best user experience for you. If paid by credit card, refunds will be issued to the original credit card provided at the time of purchase and in the case of payments made through a payment gateway, payment refunds will be made to the same account.

For any cancellation or refund related queries, you can write to our customer support team at If found eligible based on the above points, the refund will be initiated and the money will be refunded to you within 7 business days after the cancellation/refund request.

In order to comply with extant laws relating to deposit regulations, please note that users must withdraw any idle balance lying in their account within 365 days of having won a particular contest.

Similarly, users must use any money in their account within 365 days. If not, the said balance will have to be forfeited by Cric8live.